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Inside Look

KAFCS Scholarship Winner

Alivia Faris, Sarah Durst and Whitney Holterbran

Sarah Durst, FCS Education major, was awarded a KAFCS scholarship at the spring annual meeting held in Frankfort.   Pictured:  Alivia Faris-Scholarship Chair, Sarah  Durst, and Whitney Hilterbran-KAFCS President.

Dietetic Student Wins Award

Jordan Ellis

Jordan Ellis won the Kentucky  Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics' Outstanding Dietetic Student Award.

KY Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Day at the State Capital

Community Nutrition Students at the State Capital

Senior Community Nutrition students experienced first-hand advocacy and public policy by visiting the State Capital on February 21 as part of the KY Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Day at the capital.  They advocated for health-related bills, met with legislators, networked with registered dietitians and dietetic interns, and toured the historic capital building.

Food, Fashion, Family, & Florence

Study Abroad Students and Instructors

Dr. Dana Bush, Ms. Rachel Harrington, and Ms. Susan Kipp took a group of students and alumni to Florence, Italy for a Study Abroad during the Winter 17 semester.   They toured museums and saw world famous art, attended cooking classes, visited artisan workshops, and practiced the language.  

CDF Alum Wins Award

Katie Myers with award

Child & Family Studies Alum, Katie Myers, received Scott County Preschool's Teacher of the Year Award.   We are proud of our alums!

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