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TB Skin Test


     Do not wait until the deadline date to do it !

1. What if I already had a TB skin test?
If it is less than 2 years old and will not expire during the semester - you do not need a new one.  Submit a copy of that test reading.

2. Can I just have a "TB screening" instead of the actual test?
WE CANNOT ACCEPT A TB SCREENING, although Health Departments may tell you that a "screening" is all you need.

3. Where do I get this if I haven't had one?
The test is offered in EKU's Student Health Services (Rowlett Building).  You may also have the test done by other medical providers of your choice.

4.  How long does it take to get the test results?
Results will not be available on the same day you have the test.    You must return to the healthcare provider 48-72 hours after the test is administered to have the results read and receive the required form.

5. How much does it cost?
There is a minimal charge in Student Health Services, and the most up-to-date list can be found here.   
You may pay by credit or debit card in the Student Health Services office.  To pay with cash, you must obtain a form from Student Health Services and take it to Student Accounting.

Charges by outside providers will vary.

6. How long is the test valid?
A negative test is valid for 2 years and must not expire at any time during the semester.  If you have submitted a copy of a negative test to us previously and do not know if it has expired, contact us to find out.

7. What if I'm pregnant or have an allergy to the test and can't take it? 
    A doctor's statement providing this information can be accepted.

Questions?   859-622-3445

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